Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do you believe people should be denied health insurance because of a pre-exisiting condition?

And do you believe co-pays and deductibles are too high? Why the cost of every medical procedure and every simple medical test is so high?
Private insurance companies should get to decide who the want to do business with. Last time I checked, this was still America, land of the free. Co-payments and deductibles are on a sliding scale if you are buying your insurance in the free market. If you accept a $10,000 deductible your premiums every month will be cheaper than if you chose a $500 deductible. Your third question is your best. There are many reasons tests are expensive. We have become a highly litigious nation making insurance for those who care for us extremely expensive. It's not just medical malpractice for the doctors and the hospitals but also the liability policies for manufacturers of test equipment from the most elaborate MRI machine down to the simple thermometer. Medical malpractice insurance costs and the fear of litigation causes doctors and hospitals to order tests that are often redundant, simply to cover their butts in case of civil action against them. Most of the inefficiencies in administration are due to the fear of law suits also. Anyone that's been in for a simple outpatient proceedure in recent years has to be negatively impressed with the plethora of paperwork. When the doctor's administrators are done with it, the hospital works with it and adds some of their own then the insurance company has to work with it and also add some of their own. The medical industry can keep several lumber mills running 'round the clock, all just because they need to cover their butts. Don't forget, the paper generators and paper pushers all get paid a salary, medical benefits, retirement, etc. at the doctor's office, the hospital or clinic and the insurance companies. Everyone makes a profit from the companies that make the needles for a blood test to the hospital or clinic to the doctors. There are other less seen profit centers though. It is not uncommon for a group of doctor friends to get together and buy an MRI machine and offer MRI services to hospitals and clinics that can't afford one. That adds an extra layer of profits that the patient or their insurance company must support because the hospital still adds their profit to the test. There are many additional reasons tests are expensive, including illegals taxing the system, but the ones that seem to be easiest to get under control are those arising from a fear of litigation and its costs. While the Democrats accuse the Republicans of never coming up with a plan and only complaining about their plan, nothing could be further from the truth. The Republicans believe that no workable, meaningful reform is possible without addressing run-away law suits. It's as if the Democrats are in bed with the legal profession because the issue is completely ignored in the current bill circulating around the House.

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