Monday, April 25, 2011

Why are we focusing on health insurance companies?

The health insurance industry makes a profit margin of about 3.3%. Hospital facilities are around 25%. If anyone disputes this, I will provide a source. Why are we focusing on the health insurance industry (the one that pays the doctor bills), rather than focusing on the doctors themselves? It's scary going to the doctor or into the hospital and you have no clue how high your bill is going to be. Shouldn't they tell you the price before they treat you? I mean come on, a cat scan does not cost $8000. It's not the health insurance industry that is charging us insane prices, it is the doctors and hospitals. Instead of demonizing the health insurance industry, why aren't we demonizing the doctors and hospitals that charge these prices?
Well, first they tried to say our health care SYSTEM was broke and we ranked 800th in the world in care (just behind Sudan). But the fact is, we have excellent health care. Our hospitals and doctors are the best in the world. Our national survival rates for diseases like cancer are better than any country with Socialized/Nationalized/Government Health Care. *shhhh - don't let anyone know* The medical care professionals quickly rose up and looked to put up a rather staunch defense of their work. Obama quickly changed the tactic from condemning the health care profession to demonizing the health insurance industry. Yeah, those evil big insurance guys. Let's get 'em." Obama and the Liberals once again go after "The Big Guy" in defense of "The Little Guy" because "The Little Guy" is getting screwed. The fact is, "The Little Guy" is going to get screwed even worse by "Big Government" because with Big Gov you have even fewer choices and less power. You can sue an insurance company. It isn't easy but it can be done. Try suing Fed Gov.

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