Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Do you think it would be ok for an 18 year old to not have health insurance for two months?

I'm only going to be a part-time student this term at my community college due to some issues with a class, but this way I cannot be included on my moms health insurance so do you think it would be ok for me to go without health insurance for about two months and a few days?
You can buy temporary insurance from most insurance plans. Tell them how long you need it for and they'll give you a quote-some are online quotes. You don't want to be with out insurance. If you have anything go wrong with you and need to see the doctor or go to the ER you'll be paying hundreds or thousands of dollars. I didn't have insurance for a few months ended up in the ER and it cost over $2000 for about 2 hrs. It's 2 yrs later and I'm still paying it off. It's cheaper to buy temp insurance then pay a huge bill.

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