Sunday, April 24, 2011

Can't we make a compromise between all out socialized healthcare and private health insurance?

Can't we do something like give insurance companies tax breaks for covering x amount of people who earn low wages at a sharply reduced price? Or have a smaller government program only for those who cannot afford insurance?
I think it's very possible to have a hybrid or versatile system. The gov. is not planning to take away people's options for private insurance and make everyone use the "socialized healthcare" providers. Those are scare tactics from those who don't want health care to be affordable and available to all. We could be smart and find ways to let the gov. negotiate for lower prices to help the uninsured, but guess who doesn't want lower prices for medicine? We could also say, hey if you get free care, you can't file lawsuits for everythng, but guess who's against that?

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