Friday, March 25, 2011

What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man?

We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?
Your question is much too logical to be taken seriously here. There are numerous ways to reform healthcare. The German model uses private, for profit health insurers who are subject to government regulations that prohibit them from denying coverage bases on pre-existing conditions. So their system is more of a hybrid than other European single payer systems, ranging from this to the British system of socialized medicine where the doctors work for the government to the French system of private doctors but with a single payer system. The big difference, or course, is that the United States has allowed the medical profession to become a for profit system. The free market zealots think this is just fine but the fact is that by allowing the profit motive into this basic human need they are ruining our economy. Soon the portion of our incomes that the health care system demands of us will exceed our ability to pay and we will essentially be working in exchange for healthcare. Economic slavery anyone? But consider this. If we should end up with a single payer system it will spell the end of our economy unless Obama can muster the courage and ammunition to stop the insane prices that the healthcare profession charges us for their services. A single payer system without removing these criminally high prices will create a Bubble that will dwaft even the housing bubble. Close your eyes and try to imagine just how raped and robbed we will be when every person in the country can get medical care that is subsidized by the government with the greedy sons of dogs in the healthcare business charging $235.00 for an aspirin. And to the free maketers who claim that a single payer system with price controls won't work, I remind them of Vlad Lenin. Vlad pulled a 38 caliber pistol from his pocket and put it to the head of a train conductor refusing to run the train. Vlad ****** the pistol and Mr. Conductor yelled, "All Aboard!" The trains ran on time and so will the appendix operations after a couple of well placed bullets.

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