Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What will be the fines for not taking health insurance?

Will it be less than what the government charges you for insurance?
I'm British, married, a father of two and am heavily mortgaged. We are also a one wage household. Due to the current economic crisis, I no longer receive a quarterly bonus as I did before, so nearly every penny I earn goes towards bills, there is seldom anything left anymore for niceties or savings. In fact, if it wasn't for our free National Health Service, I'd really be in the brown smelly stuff. I'm sure that there are people in the USA that mirror my own situation exactly, the difference being is that they have no NHS equivalent to help them if they or their kids get sick. This new mandatory Health Insurance ruling that Obama is suggesting, will destroy these people as they would need to spend money they don't have on Health Insurance and face penalties they can't afford to pay if they don't. It worries me that the richest nation in the world who can easily afford a state funded health service, refuse to explore the option, due to some out dated McCarthyist paranoia about state funded medicine being the first rung on the ladder to communism. The rich of America can afford Health Insurance, the poor can't and your government intends to penalize them for it. I'm sure that the main reason for their reluctance is the potential decline of the billion dollar industry of Health Insurance companies. Who cares about them? These companies have been screwing the American people for years, it's about time you all united and screwed them for a change. I think the majority of Americans are now thinking that the bloom is off the rose as far as Obama is concerned.

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