Wednesday, March 9, 2011

After all the garbage Health insurance companies have put patients through?

why care if they would not be able to compete? And why is free enterprise more important than patients not going bankrupt and getting the care they need? Would ending competition among health insurances affect development of medicine or would it remain the same?
My Health Insurance is great. I have Kaiser and pay $75 bucks a month plus $20 dollar co-pay and I'm set. I had life saving surgery last year and I was treated like a king in the hospital. My bill was $380,000 for open heart surgery and I paid $2,400 for all the co-pays and prescriptions. No company can compete against the government, the government does not have to make a profit or pay taxes and can print their own money, private companies cannot. 90% of all patents, innovation, and development comes from the private sector not government.

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