Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why do liberals keep on attacking Private Health Insurance?

If you took ONE YEAR of all the Private Health Insurance Companies in America gave that one year of Profits to buy all Americans health insurance it would last only TWO DAYS! Their Profits have NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR LIBERAL POLITICIANS! They are only using you guys to help them DESTROY the Private Sector so they can CONTROL IT ALL! WAKE UP WILL YOU? PLEASE? BEFORE ITS TOO LATE?
Please, wake up. Private insurance companies are not the friends of health care and they could care less if someone has health care. They are a bunch of phonies who set up business under the guise of non profit. The only ones who should be making a profit from medical care are the medical practitioners not the paper pushing statistic crunchers. Plain and simple they are useless middlemen who do no better or no worse than medicare. If you are lucky to have good insurance you do not notice the problem because you pay them and they do what they need to do. If you do not have good insurance or have some sort of pre-exisitng problem, you are sunk. The problem that Americans have is that we have not made up our minds as to whether we believe that the right to have health care is a right of citizenship. Right now our insurance system deems it as a privilege for those who can afford it. The hardcore conservatives might as well just say it - only those who can afford insurance have the right to life. Lets not beat around the bush any more. Call it what it is.

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