Sunday, February 13, 2011

What would happen to Laura Bush if she were part of the 48 million in the US without health insurance?

When I work 40 hours a week, how come I don't deserve health insurance? Is health a human right, or a luxury for the rich?
You are too narrowly focused, the whole point is ALL POLITICIANS have lifetime benefits paid for by the taxpayers, this is why they havn't a clue about the problem, and it's an example of a question I asked on TERM LIMITS, if it might get people who understand the plight of the ordainary citizen in this country into office wher ethey can do something about OUR problems, not just THEIR problems. Sort of like we supply their transportation, and their tax return accountants, how can they udnerstand a tax code if they don't have to file or pay someone else to do their own? Or how much finding a place to live or purchasing a car really takes to finance these days? Maybe their homes should be confiscated by local governments and handed over to developers, then they might appreciate what happens to the "little guy" in this country. I believe TERM LIMITS will, if nothing else, distribute the wealth amongst a different bunch of theives every now and then.

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