Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How can Mass. require residents to have health insurance?

I can't believe they passed that law. Think about it: there is nothing we are FORCED to pay money for to live here. That is why we are called a free nation. (I know these are necessary for a normal life but think a minute) - cars are choice, u could actually walk if u had to - u could grow ur own food or go to food banks - u don't have to pay taxes if u don't work or buy anything - u dont pay car ins if u dont own a car - u dont have to pay property tax if u dont own any property I know that stuff is extreme but open your mind a minute and think. I mean at least you DO HAVE A CHOICE... bad one but A CHOICE. How can Mass. get away with requiring its residence to pay health insurance? What will they do.. force them to move out of the state? Take their property if they don't get it?
This is another small step we Americans loose to socialism by letting the lobbyist (insurance companies ,etc.) legalize there scams in paying off politicians. Mass. people wake up, get involved write the libs in office complain let them know you care and you won't pay! This is another bad law that if left unchallenged will spread to the other 49 states.

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