Monday, February 14, 2011

Have you ever heard of the father of your child not having to pay for health insurance?

The father of my child does not have health insurance for hisself so child support says that he doesn't have to provide it for his son.... Have you ever heard of this before? and what can I do to get health insurance for him.... besides medicaid b/c me and my husband aren't eligible for it.
ok, do you or your husband work? it is just as much your responsibility as it would be his is there a reason you or your husband cant get ins? do you all have it? it is very important that children have health ins. if you dont qualify for state assistance, there has to be something in your state. i know here in Ky they offer low cost health ins for families who make too much to qualify for free, but their jobs dont offer it or whatever the situation is. yes it is ridiculous that men get away w/ alot more crap then us women but get over it there is nothing you or anyone can do about it and as this childs mother you are obligated to provide the best for him.

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