Saturday, February 5, 2011

Do you think that people should be allowed to NOT buy health insurance?

I don't, becuase then we are forced to pay their emergency room visits (as we do not) via higher premiums for ourselves. So if we do allow them to not buy health insurance, then can we allow ER's to refuse them service if they can't pay? Sure, I think that's barbaric, but that's why i support forcing people to buy insurance.
No, I believe ER's should be allowed to refuse service. As it is now, ER's receive patients with flu symptoms, rashes, possible STD's, medication refills, possible pregnancies and a whole host of other non-emergent conditions simply because the KNOW they ER is legally required to see them, and yes, WE have to foot that bill. Even if a $25 co-pay were implemented, it would put a dent in the frivolous use of ER's. Having forced insurance, which the taxpayers will end up paying for, will not solve that problem, it will exacerbate it. Those same people will feel even MORE entitled to pop into their local ER for a toothache.

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