Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did health insurance companies get bailout money?

i'm trying to do some research, and i couldn't find it anywhere... but does anyone know if the health insurance companies like Aetna, Assurant, Boston Mutual, etc. got any bailout money?
They may not have directly, but it is important to remember how interdependent the insurance industry is. They may well have offloaded some of the risk to other companies which DID receive a bailout and hence indirectly benefit from the bailout package. You'd be hard pushed to find this kind of information available publicly as it is commercially sensitive. Personally (and it's just my own, but informed, opinion) I'd say there wasn't an insurance company anywhere in the world that didn't 'benefit' to least some degree from the bailout of AIG. I use the word 'benefit' advisedly since they didn't gain anything, they just didn't 'lose' as they would have if AIG had failed.

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