Sunday, January 16, 2011

How is Chesapeake Health insurance service?

Hi, I'm considering taking Chesapeake health insurance for my family in NH. Not sure about their service or about their reliability. Please do let me know if you are aware of anything, Thanks in advance, Kiran
They are also known as Mega, NASE, Mid-west National to name a few. They go by so many different names because of all of the bad press. Do an internet search on Mega Health for more information. They are not major medical. They are a hospital certificate and as such has many limitations. A few examples: depending on which policy you get they'll pay $500 per day if you are in the hospital. The average hospital stay is 3 days and the average charge is $4000 per day so you pay $3500 per day. If you are in the ICU they'll pay $1000 per day. The average ICU stay is 2 days and the average charge is $8500 per day so you pay $7500 per day. They'll pay $250 for an ambulance ride and only if you're admitted to the hospital. If you are not admitted you pay the average $1000 charge.

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