Friday, January 14, 2011

How does Obama plan on lowering the cost of health insurance for everyone?

Straight off of his website: "Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions so all Americans regardless of their health status or history can get comprehensive benefits at fair and stable premiums." Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would INCREASE the cost to insurance companies - which would in turn INCREASE everyone's premium. Does this man not know how insurance works???…
the same way the military does. once again i will ask why not nonprofit insurance,? if criminals are not allowed to make money off their victims pain and suffering then why do we allow insurance companies to do the same? no one should be allowed to make a profit off of something as important as your health problems, just like once upon a time we did not allow mercenaries to fight our wars for profit, somethings should not be for profit but if you call yourself a christian then helping someone means you should not expect something back. but if someone should pay for it then lets look back at the good old lawyers that you probably hate who where the ones that went after the big tobacco companies that lied about how dangerous and addictive their tobacco is and made them pay the taxpayers back for all those years we took care of the cancer victims that we the taxpayers had to pay for in one way or another. and if you are looking for someone else to pay for this then how about the junk food industry? i am sure they don't tell us as to why they put addictive caffeine in a lot of their junk food. and why did they put all that trans fat in their food even though they knew it causes health problems.

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