Saturday, January 29, 2011

How come Hillary Clinton didn't pay her staff health insurance bills?

Among the debts reported this month by Hillary Rodham Clinton's struggling presidential campaign, the $292,000 in unpaid health insurance premiums for her campaign staff stands out. Clinton, who is being pressured to end her campaign against Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, has made her plan for universal health care a centerpiece of her agenda. The campaign provides health insurance to all its employees, their spouses, partners and children — and that wasn't interrupted by any lag in payments to insurance providers, said Jay Carson, a Clinton campaign spokesman. He said the campaign this month paid off all outstanding bills to Aetna Healthcare and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Those payments will be reflected on a report the campaign will file this month with the Federal Election Commission, which Carson said will show "zero debt owed to both vendors."
She must be running out of money and gambling on future contributions she could loan here self the money again. This does not look good for her and she may lose some staff as a result and possibly people could die without their insurance what a scammer she is no words can address this.

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