Saturday, January 8, 2011

Health Insurance?

I am asking this question for a friend of mine. I already have insurance. My friend took a pregnancy test and was surprised when it came out pos. Anyway, she doesn't have health insurance so she hasn't made a doctors appointment yet. Were she lives there is a family planning and I told her to call them and go to them. I do know they have a health insurance you can get through them and what not. But I want to find a few different insurances she can look into and find the one that best fits her and her boyfriend's needs. I have heard of some people on here talking about an insurance that can't turn you down if you are pregnant. So I was hoping you all could help me and give me the names of insurances and hopefully a website that she could check out. Thank you for your time.
medicaid WILL NOT turn her down for already being pregnant, thats what they are there for. i would just tell her to do to her countys DHS and apply, she will more than likely walk out with insurance unless they need to verify and that can take up to like 2 weeks i think. but tell her to go to a free clinic before she goes to DHS cause i know here in Oklahoma they needed proof from a doctor or clinic saying i was pregnant. they do have insurance for pregnant women and their unborn babies. tell her i said congrats and good luck !!

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