A direct and unconditional federal requirement for an individual to transfer money to a private party for health or economic purposes seems to be unprecedented. This is according to a legal think tank that is working on ways to defend the government if/when mandating health insurance goes to the supreme court. Legal Solutions in Health Reform is a project funded by The Robertrt Wood Johnson Foundation
Its absolutely appalling to think that now we will be forced to buy insurance or be fined by our government. Car insurance is different since no one is required to own a car. There is no way to escape from a law that forces you to get health insurance. Its just one more step closer to tyranny. Whats next? Mandatory get out of bed at 5:30 and go to government run exercise classes? Mandatory drinking 8 -10 glasses of water a day or be fined? Follow the food pyramid or be fined? Where is freedom of choice? The answer is that the US will soon no longer be a free country. The government gets to call the shots on what is good for us and we will be forced to comply.
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