Monday, August 29, 2011

Do people who demand the right to be uninsured protest at companies that give health insurance benefits?

if they oppose the government tampering with their rights they must really hate employers.
I doubt it! Great question by the way, have a star! It surprises me that so many Americans seem not to be aware about Obama's healthcare plans [a]. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims and was elected to bring in changes [b]. First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. His system is similar to that which works in Holland, Taiwan [c] and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there. FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [d]. FACT – insurance companies admit that they push up costs, buy politicians and do not pay out for many claims when they should [e]. FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [f]. That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it. And the sad thing is, that the insurance companies have spent loads of money to fight these reforms [g] and loads of politicians are taking the thirty pieces of silver from them to fight the reforms, rather than fight for the health of the American people. Remember, I back my facts up with evidence. Those who say they are wrong tend not to. If they are wrong, e-mail me with proof and let me know.

Can I stay on health care insurance plan if I'm 19 and not dependent?

I am 19 years old, I live in tennessee. The only insurance I currently have is tenncare. My parents are also covered on tenncare. I am no longer going to be considered dependent though, and I would like to know if I can stay on tenncare because my parents have it under the new healthcare law. I know if you are a child you can stay on your parents insurance until age 26 now, but does that apply to tenncare? If anyone can help, thanks.
TennCare is welfare health insurance. Once you turn 19, you "age off" off it. It's not a "dependent" thing. It's not subject to the same rules as a private insurance plan through your parent's employer. The 26 law, is only for REAL insurance, not welfare insurance. With welfare insurance, once you turn 19 and "age off", you have to apply for yourself.

If Chairman Obama comes to your house to force you to buy a product(health insurance)will you spit in his face?

or will you just laugh at him?
So you think you will never need health insurance in your lifetime and upset that President Obama has passed a health-care reform bill that will cover all people who could not buy health insurance due to pre-existing conditions or have gone bankrupt paying for medical bills that were denied, or had to have fund raisers to pay for. Do you realize that over 40,000 people a year die each year since they don't have health insurance and can't get treatment since they cant afford to pay for it. Since obviously you believe you will never need health insurance in your lifetime, I suggest you go and get a tattoo on your wrist of DNR, (do not resuscitate) which means if you are ever in an accident, or need life sustaining treatment of any kind, that they never treat you and let you die, since obviously you will never ever need it. Granted the bill is not perfect, nor will this be in effect till 2014, or it could be repealed, but this is better than what we currently have. But to say this is a product you will never need, makes no sense, since we all die of something, and when that happens, how do you plan on paying for any treatment to sustain your life or possibly to increase the chances of living a few years longer?

What is everyone's opinion of the Utah Health Insurance Connector, or the Internet Exchange being proposed?

The plan proposed by Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. regarding Utah Health Insurance. Jared Balis
Here is an interesting article on the topic you have asked about...…

is interstate health insurance part of the health care reform bill?

I'm having a heck of a time finding an answer on 'the google'. I know democrats did some stuff to try and make it non-partisan (dropping the "death-panels" and public option) and this simple addition would make sense. But I can't find anything saying whether they did or didn't. PLEASE DON'T TURN THIS INTO AN ARGUMENT! I'M JUST LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER!
Yes. The relevant policy is in Section 1333, which allows the formation of interstate compacts. PS--There were *never* any "death panels," so there was nothing to drop.

Does x navy military recieve life long health insurance?

If so are they covered overseas?
If they are retired, yes and yes.

Do you think we should have universal health insurance, or universal healthcare?

Why or why not?
Both! For those who can afford insurance they can choose what Private doctors and what Private hospitals. For those who cannot afford insurance, they can be seen for free in Public Hospitals, with Public Consultants. Most Countries operate this system. GL

Difference Between Single and Co-Payer Universal Health Insurance?

Or any other forms of Universal healthcare, I have watched the debates and would like to know the major differences between them. And please preferably no Wikipedia articles.
Universal healthcare is a vague term meaning "getting everyone covered" under either private or publicly sponsored plans. It could and probably would involve forcing people to buy insurance either privately or contributing to a government program if private coverage is unavailable. The goal of universal care is simply to eliminate the problem of the uninsured. It is term that "polls well" politically, but tends to bog down when the details on administration are worked out. Nonetheless, it is the main direction we are likely to head in for the next 10 years, so we will hear lots more about it. Single payer is a far more radical proposal that dictates the end of all private insurance companies, in favor of the government taking over all healthcare. Few countries actually have true "single payer", although Canada probably comes closest. Within the US, the Veterans Administration is probably the best example of a single payor system. It is a very appealing concept to those who believe that government is the only entity with the "moral imperative" to provide healthcare for it's citizens. Setting aside the issue of cost for a moment, it is important to point out that, as satisfying as it might sound, the US Government is not prepared to take over all healthcare, and in any case would probably end up delegating its management back to those same big insurance companies, under competitive, massive contracts, just as they do now for Medicare and Tri-Care.

Does anyone know about Fidelis Care NY Health insurance coverage on weight loss surgery?

Is there anyone with any info if fidelis covers this and if so what type of things d they require you to do in order for it to be covered?
I don't know about Fidelis specifically, but you may be required to attend a seminar, get a psychiatric evaluation, and have a medial clearance. Some other things you also may need to have are a sleep apnea study, cardiac evaluation, documentation regarding co-morbidities (obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GE reflux, arthritis or sleep apnea), or documentation regarding failed supervised diet and exercise attempts as well as gym memberships, Weight Watchers receipts, and grocery receipts.

how to get cheep health insurance for 18 year old trying to live on their own?

Im gonna be 18 in September, and i will lose my insurance, how can i get cheep insurnce on my own, PS i don't have a job :[
Although there are many ways for an 18-year-old to obtain inexpensive health insurance, they are each available in only one state. None is available in all states. Post this question again with the name of your state so that we can give the correct answer for your state.

Short Term health care insurance plan in California?

I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
It depends are you a student? State Farm and other big companies do have short term student medical. You can also try Blue Cross or Blue Shield.

do you believe illegal will receive full coverage on the health insurance bill?

will the old people be neglected after it passed? do you believe "death panels" are supported in the bill? do you believe this is the first step to one payer system? what else?
Sure the illegals will receive free tax payer funded health care its the way the Democrats play the game . Besides they need all the votes they can get.

Does anyone know where I can get Health Insurance for that covers pre-existing conditions?

Been looking for awhile and I'd appreciate help. I just moved to TEXAS for my hubby new job and I need health ins. for my son , who was dianosed with a tuberous scelosis Thank ahead of time
There are at least four options available to you: 1) The TX Health Insurance Risk Pool: this is a "high risk pool" established by TX to cover uninsurable Texans. Many states have similar high risk pools. Here's a link: 2) The Texas Childrens Health Insurance Plan: this is NOT Medical Assistance (Medicaid); it's for working families that do not have insurance covering their children.… 3) If you family's income is very low, your child may be enrolled in the Texas Medical Assistance program.… 4) As one answerer pointed out, you may be able to cover your child through your husband's employer plan, if there is one and if it covers dependents (not all do). You may also want to contact the Texas Department of Insurance to see if there are any other options: (800)252-3439. I hope this helps.

Who offers the best animal health insurance??

I'am wondering who has pet insurance? I'am looking for insurance for my dog. I want to pick a good one, there are so many hidden things they dont tell you so any feedback would be great, thanks!!
Hi Kristy First of all, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio. There are many different shapes and sizes of pet insurance plans in the US. Some pet parents look at pet insurance as a way of paying for vaccinations, office visits, spaying/neutering, and other everyday things. Other pet parents though look at pet insurance as a way of protecting against high veterinary bills and "economic euthanasia." The second group - those who look at pet insurance as more like "catastrophic" coverage - are going to get better value out of pet insurance than the first group. To understand why you have to go back to first principles: what is insurance for? Insurance is for the unexpected, expensive things that can happen. Routine care is neither unexpected nor, in most cases, is it expensive. Insurance doesn't work properly when applied to routine care, the economics get out of whack and you - the pet parent - end up paying for this in the form of higher premiums than necessary. Another common thing we find is that pet parents think of pet insurance as a form of savings. No insurance product is a form of savings really. Insurance is just a transfer of risk from you to the insurance company. Looked at in this way you can see that pet insurance is not going to save you money, you buy it because you want peace of mind and because you want to be able to pursue any course of treatment to help your pet if, God forbid, something should happen. So now to your specific question: what is "good" pet insurance? The answer is a plan that protects your pet against all of the nasty, expensive stuff that you can't plan for. Many pet insurance plans offer this to one degree or another but there are some 'gotchas' that you should be aware of. For example, I always recommend that pet parents ask the following questions: 1. Does the plan cover congenital and hereditary diseases? You want these covered, even for mixed breeds, because sometimes it's not clear what is and isn't hereditary and you want to know when you claim that this sort of thing will be covered. Embrace Pet Insurance and other companies cover congenital conditions provided they are not pre-existing when you sign up. 2. Does the plan cover chronic and recurring illnesses? Some plans consider things that happened in your first year of coverage to be pre-existing in the second year. 3. What is and is not covered? Is it clearly stated on the company's website or over the phone? The last thing you want is to make a claim and only later find out that the company considers your condition not covered. 4. Are there per-incident limits that effectively cap the amount you could receive back? For example, some plans have a $3,000 per-incident limit. If you had a claim for $5,000 with one of these plans then the most you would get back would be $3,000. 5. What are the rules around pre-existing conditions? Are they excluded permanently or temporarily? 6. How long does the company take to pay claims? 7. Does the plan reimburse claims based on a benefit schedule or the actual veterinary bill? If you choose a plan with a benefit schedule you should understand that you may not get very much money back as the benefit schedule can cap your reimbursement for certain diagnoses at amounts less than you'll commonly find, especially in metro areas. Try to find a plan that reimburses you based on your actual veterinary bill or a "usual, customary, & reasonable" (UCR) table. One thing I encourage all pet parents who are interested in pet insurance to do is read reviews and testimonials from real customers at . This is a good website to get the skinny on every plan out there. So armed with these questions and by doing some homework of your own, you can make an informed choice and get a plan that's right for you and your pet. Good luck! Alex Embrace Pet Insurance

Question about health insurance copayments?

My insurance company has raised my prescription copayments to approximately 80% of the total cost. I think that this is ridiculous. Especially since I used to pay much less in the recent past. I'd like to hear from people who are knowledgeable about prescriptions and insurance companies who may have suggestions as to how I can go about getting my copayment reduced, if that is possible. Polite, sincere, constructive, relevant answers only please.
Is it private insurance or through an employer? If it is through an employer, I would speak to the Human Resource Dept or whichever department is in charge of health care benefits at your company. They would be able to offer you an explanation to the increase in copays as well as information on how you can go about changing it if it is possible. If it is a private insurance company, I would call the company directly and also ask for an explanation. They will also be able to tell you how to go about changing your policy to lower the copays. Is it Medicare Part D? If so, you can check which will help you find prescription drug coverage that will better meet your needs. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE . Open enrollment ends soon, so you only have a few more weeks to switch your plan if you have Medicare Part D.

How much does health insurance cost?

Just an estimate please. I'm 15 years old, male, who does some sports.
Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

Any luck with health insurance lead programs?

What has been the most successful lead programs you have used? I have tried web leads, but for the most part the companies do not tell them an agent will call until after they have put in all their information. This just makes the people mad! I have tried some direct mail, but not a lot. Any suggestions with either web leads or tangible leads?
As with most insurance-related topics that "make people mad," it is the consuming public that is to blame. People have determined that the internet makes them all-powerful and privy to all of the information and understanding they need to make just about every life decision. The need for professional advice is apparently obsolete. The only way for the industry to combat the trend is lure the websurfing insurance prospect into the insidious agent-lead lair. If the general public would just concede that they haven't a clue about their insurance needs, or at least that there's a possibility that there's an expert who knows more than they do and is willing to benefit them with that expertise, there would be no need to play these stupid games. Sorry for the rant. In answer to your question, other than referrals (the best source), about the only reliable leads are direct mail systems that make it clear to the consumer that they are requesting contact with an agent.

does your health insurance go up when you get pregnant?

i'm 18 and under my parents insurance will the know by the insurance company if i see an OBGYN, even i f I pay the co-pays myself?
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

Choosing the best health insurance?

This is the first time I've had to find my own health insurance because my insurance will drop from my dad's plan in August. I need help! Does anyone know how to find the best CHEAP plan until I can get on my own feet to find quality? I don't need much, just want to make sure that I never have a lapse in coverage so that people can deny me of "pre-existing condition". Also, any advice would help. Thank you.
u shoudl google it and see their websites.They ussualy havea very good discrition of what they offer.I id the same.

We know about Joe the plumber,what about Smith, a college student who can't afford health insurance & loans?

What will Senator McCain and senator Obama will do to help students with school loans.
Take a look at their economic plans for the answer to that question. If the economy continues with the current downward spiral college students are going to be facing a serious problem. They are going to come out of school with a large debt in student loans and will not be able to get a job to pay them. Their credit ratings are going to take a hit right out of the gate. Aside from their tax plans, I haven't heard much in the way of a working plan to help the economy recover from either candidate to this point.

will repubs stop calling healthcare reform socialist since health insurance companies will still exist?

or will they just continue to yell loud and wrong.
I don't know what republicans will say, but here's a democrat's perspective. Large companies will certainly pay the 8% penalty rather than continue to provide medical benefits. Under the president's plan, that would place most Americans who currently have employer provided health care into the "coop" portion of the plan. But, most insurance companies are unlikely to provide insurance with the regulations proposed by the plan. That will place most Americans into the "5%" Obama spoke about. It takes a couple of steps, but it's clearly socializing the system. But then, you really didn't want the answer, did you?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Was requiring people to purchase health care insurance a socialist idea when the Republicans first invented it?

..back in 1993, as an alternative to Bill Clinton's health care proposals? Or did it become "socialist" only after Obama endorsed it?…
well, anything obama touches is abhorrent to conservatives, so maybe he should try to ban abortion, just so they all become pro-choice.

People who refuse to purchse health care insurance already lose tax deductions, lets fine them on top of that?

One way or another, lets coerce these individuals into supporting greedy insurance companies. The CEOs want more private jets, yachts and villas. Please call Barack Hussein Obama on behalf on insurance CEOs and demand steeper fines on these irresponsible individuals who hold onto their wallets and refuse to enrich the rich.
why ? So that we can keep paying their bills because they use the Emergency Room as their regular Doctors office ? People without insurance are waiting until they have a health Emergency and then we the tax payers get stuck with the very high E.R. bill. No Thanks !

What health insurance plan is right for my wife and I?

both 26 yrs. old, healthy, plan to have a child in 3 years so maternity coverage included, generic and brand rx, we visit doc 3-4 times a year for simple things like pap smears and seasonal allergies. HSA, DED, COPAY????
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Are you seriously trying to equate breathing to health insurance now?;… you can't live without breathing many live without health insurance seriously? the constitution also states the pursuit of happiness....if health ins would made you happy then get a job and persue it!!!!
Insurance is not a right. it is a responsibility. Nobody forces you to wipe your butt, but you do it least i hope you do.

who is the health insurance provider for the U.S. Border Patrol?

once i enter the border patrol academy, when will i be eligible for health insurance? thanks
You are eligible from day one to pick any of the health insurance plans available under the Federal Employee Health Benefits program. This includes insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHeathcare, etc. You also qualify for Dental, Life, Vision, Long Term Care, and a Flexible Spending Account. You can read about the benefits on the Office of Personnel Management website:… If you'd like to learn more about applying, speak to a recruiter, or have any other questions about the hiring process, head over to…

I need health and dental insurance?

I'm trying to find cheap dental and health insurance for me and my fiance but i haven't been able to find any, do you have any suggestions.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

What health insurance plan is right for my wife and I?

both 26 yrs. old, healthy, plan to have a child in 3 years so maternity coverage included, generic and brand rx, we visit doc 3-4 times a year for simple things like pap smears and seasonal allergies. HSA, DED, COPAY????
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Are you seriously trying to equate breathing to health insurance now?;… you can't live without breathing many live without health insurance seriously? the constitution also states the pursuit of happiness....if health ins would made you happy then get a job and persue it!!!!
Insurance is not a right. it is a responsibility. Nobody forces you to wipe your butt, but you do it least i hope you do.

who is the health insurance provider for the U.S. Border Patrol?

once i enter the border patrol academy, when will i be eligible for health insurance? thanks
You are eligible from day one to pick any of the health insurance plans available under the Federal Employee Health Benefits program. This includes insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHeathcare, etc. You also qualify for Dental, Life, Vision, Long Term Care, and a Flexible Spending Account. You can read about the benefits on the Office of Personnel Management website:… If you'd like to learn more about applying, speak to a recruiter, or have any other questions about the hiring process, head over to…

I need health and dental insurance?

I'm trying to find cheap dental and health insurance for me and my fiance but i haven't been able to find any, do you have any suggestions.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Are visits to a Physician Assistant (PA) covered under medicare and health insurance plans?

Tried to get an appointment with a gastroenterologist and was given one with their PA and want to make sure their services are covered
Yes, the facility will bill under the doctors name.

How can we justify this health care bill for mandated health insurance, when Nixon said, "The less health care?

they [HMOs like Kaiser Permanente] give, the more money they make?" So...this is an admission that this system is a scam. So why does government want to mandate such a system?
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally. ** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts. ** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN). ** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?) ** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees. ** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age. ** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception. ** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counceling.) ** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order. HAD ENOUGH???? "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the plan financially sound for their future." Verify here!…

my moms a waitress and has bad health how does she get health insurance?

she doesnt want a new job and her and i are not sure what to do?????
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

What is a affordable health insurance that covers DENTAL?

or at least some of the cost?
Most likely your most affordable, best coverage plan will be one that an employer offers. If this is not an option for you, an alternative to health insurance would be a discount health and/or dental plan. I only have personal experience with Ameriplan, but I have located a website with information about other discount health plans. I will list both below as sources. A discount health plan often has more affordable monthly premiums than health insurance.

Do You Support Obama's Giving Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Health Insurance?

And U.S Drivers licenses? It almost like Obama is inviting the rest of the world to move to America- "come on over and live in the U.S.A we will give you anything you need! ON US! You won't even have to pay any taxes!"
H#LL NO! They need to be deported immediately!

Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?

My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)
Well, those two kids are technically adults. You'd need to go to a local agent, to get quotes. If you want a low deductible plan, it's probably going to cost about $1200 a month, IF your mom is perfectly healthy, and no one is overweight. To get a much cheaper rate, you have to agree to pay the first $5,000 or so out of pocket, in medical expenses, before the insurance kicks in. Obviously, if anyone has anything already wrong with them, the insurance will either most likely not cover it, or they'll refuse to write you at all. Best thing to do, will be for your mom to get a 'real' job, where she can get group health insurance through her employer. After YOU are employed, that won't help your mom or brother, as YOU won't be able to add either of them to YOUR insurance.

Why does McCain wish to tax people on the amount of health insurance that is paid by their employer?

Do you agree with this plan?
Yes he does. And I for the life of me do not get it. This will be the first time EVER that people get taxed on health insurance. I can not even imagine this!

I'm 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance, what can I do?

I do not even know where to start? I have researched online and read books, but still nothing helps. The father and I are not married. He is a colonel in the USAF. I would think the military would cover the baby? Any advice on insurance will help!!!
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.

r we working mainly to pay our taxes and health insurance that won't pay anything. Is it everyman for him self

I see no compassion for people who need medical treatment. It's all about money. I really think that everyone should be entitled to free health care, and free education. They are spending billions on things we don't need. If we can spend so much on war, and pay for those inmates to get free lawyers, why can't they pay for free education and free health care? I know many would say this is foolish and where would the money come from, but where is the money coming from for everything else?
You have a choice of different insurance companies. You need to stand on your own feet, and help others if you can.

Can someone show me in the new health insurance bill exactly where it says abortions will or can be covered?

One side said it did not exist, but the other side (Rep. Stupak, etc. and many Republicans) insisted the language be changed to state that abortions were not covered. The compromise was the executive order that the president signed today. So, what does it say in the bill to cause such confusion. I know many lied about what was in the bill (Palin and Death Panels), but what about abortion? Thanks. Anna
Abortions will not be funded, period. You can thank the Republicans and their classic fear-based propaganda campaigns for this stupid misconception.

Okay I'm applying for a job & I'm 15 and I have like health insurance because of my parents like blue cross

This is kinda dumb. Hahaha. It asked me if I need health insurance coverage or whatever, so I should check no because I'm like on my parents plan or whatever right?
Right, you are already covered. If you check yes, the employer could take some of your pay to pay for health insurance. That leaves you less money. This is what happens to your parents. Very few companies pay the full cost of health insurance. Here's the problem, if you are already covered by one insurance plan, the second plan will not pay for your health expenses. even if you are paying premiums. They will say the other plan is responsible. So you are literally paying for nothing.

Does anyone know where I can get Health Insurance for that covers pre-existing conditions?

Been looking for awhile and I'd appreciate help. I just moved to TEXAS for my hubby new job and I need health ins. for my son , who was dianosed with a tuberous scelosis Thank ahead of time
There are at least four options available to you: 1) The TX Health Insurance Risk Pool: this is a "high risk pool" established by TX to cover uninsurable Texans. Many states have similar high risk pools. Here's a link: 2) The Texas Childrens Health Insurance Plan: this is NOT Medical Assistance (Medicaid); it's for working families that do not have insurance covering their children.… 3) If you family's income is very low, your child may be enrolled in the Texas Medical Assistance program.… 4) As one answerer pointed out, you may be able to cover your child through your husband's employer plan, if there is one and if it covers dependents (not all do). You may also want to contact the Texas Department of Insurance to see if there are any other options: (800)252-3439. I hope this helps.

Who offers the best animal health insurance??

I'am wondering who has pet insurance? I'am looking for insurance for my dog. I want to pick a good one, there are so many hidden things they dont tell you so any feedback would be great, thanks!!
Hi Kristy First of all, a disclaimer: I work for Embrace Pet Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio. There are many different shapes and sizes of pet insurance plans in the US. Some pet parents look at pet insurance as a way of paying for vaccinations, office visits, spaying/neutering, and other everyday things. Other pet parents though look at pet insurance as a way of protecting against high veterinary bills and "economic euthanasia." The second group - those who look at pet insurance as more like "catastrophic" coverage - are going to get better value out of pet insurance than the first group. To understand why you have to go back to first principles: what is insurance for? Insurance is for the unexpected, expensive things that can happen. Routine care is neither unexpected nor, in most cases, is it expensive. Insurance doesn't work properly when applied to routine care, the economics get out of whack and you - the pet parent - end up paying for this in the form of higher premiums than necessary. Another common thing we find is that pet parents think of pet insurance as a form of savings. No insurance product is a form of savings really. Insurance is just a transfer of risk from you to the insurance company. Looked at in this way you can see that pet insurance is not going to save you money, you buy it because you want peace of mind and because you want to be able to pursue any course of treatment to help your pet if, God forbid, something should happen. So now to your specific question: what is "good" pet insurance? The answer is a plan that protects your pet against all of the nasty, expensive stuff that you can't plan for. Many pet insurance plans offer this to one degree or another but there are some 'gotchas' that you should be aware of. For example, I always recommend that pet parents ask the following questions: 1. Does the plan cover congenital and hereditary diseases? You want these covered, even for mixed breeds, because sometimes it's not clear what is and isn't hereditary and you want to know when you claim that this sort of thing will be covered. Embrace Pet Insurance and other companies cover congenital conditions provided they are not pre-existing when you sign up. 2. Does the plan cover chronic and recurring illnesses? Some plans consider things that happened in your first year of coverage to be pre-existing in the second year. 3. What is and is not covered? Is it clearly stated on the company's website or over the phone? The last thing you want is to make a claim and only later find out that the company considers your condition not covered. 4. Are there per-incident limits that effectively cap the amount you could receive back? For example, some plans have a $3,000 per-incident limit. If you had a claim for $5,000 with one of these plans then the most you would get back would be $3,000. 5. What are the rules around pre-existing conditions? Are they excluded permanently or temporarily? 6. How long does the company take to pay claims? 7. Does the plan reimburse claims based on a benefit schedule or the actual veterinary bill? If you choose a plan with a benefit schedule you should understand that you may not get very much money back as the benefit schedule can cap your reimbursement for certain diagnoses at amounts less than you'll commonly find, especially in metro areas. Try to find a plan that reimburses you based on your actual veterinary bill or a "usual, customary, & reasonable" (UCR) table. One thing I encourage all pet parents who are interested in pet insurance to do is read reviews and testimonials from real customers at . This is a good website to get the skinny on every plan out there. So armed with these questions and by doing some homework of your own, you can make an informed choice and get a plan that's right for you and your pet. Good luck! Alex Embrace Pet Insurance

How much does health insurance cost?

Just an estimate please. I'm 15 years old, male, who does some sports.
Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Question about health insurance copayments?

My insurance company has raised my prescription copayments to approximately 80% of the total cost. I think that this is ridiculous. Especially since I used to pay much less in the recent past. I'd like to hear from people who are knowledgeable about prescriptions and insurance companies who may have suggestions as to how I can go about getting my copayment reduced, if that is possible. Polite, sincere, constructive, relevant answers only please.
Is it private insurance or through an employer? If it is through an employer, I would speak to the Human Resource Dept or whichever department is in charge of health care benefits at your company. They would be able to offer you an explanation to the increase in copays as well as information on how you can go about changing it if it is possible. If it is a private insurance company, I would call the company directly and also ask for an explanation. They will also be able to tell you how to go about changing your policy to lower the copays. Is it Medicare Part D? If so, you can check which will help you find prescription drug coverage that will better meet your needs. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE . Open enrollment ends soon, so you only have a few more weeks to switch your plan if you have Medicare Part D.

Any luck with health insurance lead programs?

What has been the most successful lead programs you have used? I have tried web leads, but for the most part the companies do not tell them an agent will call until after they have put in all their information. This just makes the people mad! I have tried some direct mail, but not a lot. Any suggestions with either web leads or tangible leads?
As with most insurance-related topics that "make people mad," it is the consuming public that is to blame. People have determined that the internet makes them all-powerful and privy to all of the information and understanding they need to make just about every life decision. The need for professional advice is apparently obsolete. The only way for the industry to combat the trend is lure the websurfing insurance prospect into the insidious agent-lead lair. If the general public would just concede that they haven't a clue about their insurance needs, or at least that there's a possibility that there's an expert who knows more than they do and is willing to benefit them with that expertise, there would be no need to play these stupid games. Sorry for the rant. In answer to your question, other than referrals (the best source), about the only reliable leads are direct mail systems that make it clear to the consumer that they are requesting contact with an agent.

Am a student and need health insurance? Any suggestions?

Am a college student, no insurance. Want to get some insurance adn want to get something thing checked out like I get frequent headaches, and have dizziness, & need a physical. Any suggestions?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

does your health insurance go up when you get pregnant?

i'm 18 and under my parents insurance will the know by the insurance company if i see an OBGYN, even i f I pay the co-pays myself?
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

What health insurance is better, Aetna or Bluecross Blueshield?

I have BCBS and thinking about switching to Aetna. Just want to know what is the best choice. Thanks!
I'm an insider (supervisor at a big health ins co). Here's what most people don't know. The carrier has little to do with anything. Most accounts are ASO now (administrative services only). This means that your company has a bank account that claims are paid out of. They set the benefits, etc. Then they pay a company like one of the above (and no, I don't work for any of these) to process claims, provide customer service, contract providers, etc. The insurance company doesn't make decisions... they just implement the rules specified by the company who has contracted them. Thus, read the plans for all three. Determine what you need, how much you will use it, what you'll use it for, etc. Realize that for people with major illnesses, often managed care (copay-based plans) end up costing more than PPO-type plans (deductible-based) because, as soon as the out-of-pocket is met, you don't pay for any more services. As I said, this varies by plan. So, do your homework and you'll make the right decision and save money. Anyone who says premiums are cheaper with one company or another is speaking from their experience at their company. Insurance companies managing ASO accounts don't collect premiums. When you pay a premium, you're making a deposit into the account that your company has its claims paid from. Thus, you're paying your employer, not your health insurance company.

Does health insurance cover the cost of autism treatments?

And if it doesn't, should it?
Can you get your health insurance to cover the costs of autism treatment? The chances are better than you might think. These step by step instructions, provided by expert Christina Peck CPC, may save you thousands of dollars per year. Difficulty: Average Time Required: varies Here's How: 1. Call your health insurance provider and ask these critical questions: 1) What are my individual and family out-of-pocket deductibles? What are my out-of-pocket maximums before 100% reimbursement begins? 2) How many visits per specialty (ie PT, OT, Speech) does my insurance plan allow per year for out-of-network providers? 3) Are there any limitations on diagnosis codes? 4) Does my plan have mental health coverage? 2. Ideally, you will receive positive and helpful answers to the questions you pose in Step One. If you don't, it may be time to change insurance providers. According to Christina Peck, the ideal type of health insurance for the parent of a child with autism is a PPO or Preferred Provider Organization. If you are covered under an HMO and can make a switch through your employer or on your own, Peck recommends you do so. 3. Get the details on coverage of specific therapies. Most children with autism will need physical, occupational and speech therapy. They may also need psychological, feeding, social and behavioral (ABA) therapy. Does your insurance company cover these therapies? If so, what are the deductibles? How much therapy is covered per year? 4. Get the details on coverage of supplies and equipment. If your child with autism needs an augmentative speech device or other equipment, the cost may be covered. 5. Know your insurance codes and units. Peck notes that all insurance companies use the same codes for the same diagnoses and therapies -- but there are different codes for different units of time spent on those therapies. For example, 92507 is the code for one hour of speech therapy, but 97112 is the code for just 15 minutes of physical therapy. Be sure your therapists know which code is appropriate for their service, and how many units to charge for. Your physical therapist, for example, might need to charge for four units of therapy to cover the costs of a one-hour session. 6. Get creative in your insurance claims. Most insurance companies limit therapies as they relate to autism per se, but Peck suggests that parents think outside the "autism box" when making their claims. For example, she says, "Is your child getting Occupational or Physical Therapy because they have autism? Or is it because of hypertonia (low muscle tone)? Why should your therapist use the code for autism instead of coding for the actual issue involved?" 7. Organize your paperwork. Christina Peck, in her book Blessed with Autism, includes a set of worksheets you can use organize information about claims you've made, claims that are pending, and grievances you may have filed. 8. If you feel you have the right to insurance coverage based on your policy, and you are running into problems getting that coverage, consider resubmitting, following up on your claim and even filing a grievance. Through a combination of knowledge and assertive follow-up, you may be able to save a great deal of money over time. 9. Once you have a solid understanding of what your health insurance will cover, research your state's offerings. Some states require that insurance companies cover autism-related claims; others offer services through the Department of Mental Health and Retardation. By mixing and matching insurance and state-funded coverage, you may find that many of your child's services are covered. Lisa Jo Rudy Autism Guide 4/19

Employer taking out health insurance premiums, but no coverage yet -- legal?

My friend's employer swapped them to a new health insurance plan and has already started charging them the premiums even though there's no coverage yet. Some kind of "paperwork problems." He's about to get charged for the second nonexistent month of coverage. So that's $600 in the hole in return for... nothing. Is there any way this could possibly be legal? Of course he's already planning to talk to the local Labor department if he doesn't get a refund, but I thought I'd toss it out here too.
Group health insurance premiums are "pre-paid". Premiums that are taken out of your check in Feb. will pay March premiums, etc. There is usually only a two week (or one payroll cycle) advance payment though. I have seen it go as far as one entire month in advance, but this is somewhat rare. Anything beyond that and there is probably an issue with the enrollment paperwork. If the effective date of the benefits are changed, then he would be entitled to a refund of the premiums already paid for months there was no coverage. The employer usually will have an Insurance Agent that helps with the benefits. Find out who that is and they may be able to help. I hope it works out....

Would you hire a person that just did 5 years in prison for not paying for health insurance?

We going to have a new breed of convicts on the street's coming in the future, im scared : )
I wonder how many violent criminals we are going to have to release just to make room for those evil health insurance dodgers?

What percent of illegal immigrant children don't have health insurance?

If you know the percent who don't have health care in California that would be even better. California is proposing an initiative that would raise cigarette taxes to $3.47/pack in part to pay for health, dental and vision benefits for illegal immigrant children.
The current figure is 7.5% of all immigrants. I'm all for the tax increase. You, like everyone else, got bombarded with information at a young age about how smoking is bad. But you wanted to be cool, so you did anyway. You should have listened to your parents and school. I'd rather have you paying for this healthcare than me. Yes!!!

what are some extreme examples of the measures people take when they don't have health insurance?

I read about the case of the man throwing his wife off the balcony because he couldn't pay her medical bills any longer and wondered what other extremes people have gone to....... anyone know of similar cases?
Growing up we were really poor. My sister had terrible teeth. Long story short- my siblings and I went to foster homes, my parents to prison. My younger sister went to a home that took her to the dentist. She got braces. But over time her foster parents would not take her back to the dentist to get them removed. My sister waited two years longer than she should have and finally when she was 17yrs. old (I had my own apartment by then) I found her in my bathroom with a fork, pulling her braces by one. All I could do was cry. To me, this was extreme. Could you imagine how much that hurt her? Oh, and once when I was a kid...I fell on a rock and made my front tooth turn black so my father laid me down on the ground and held me there while pulling the tooth out with a pair of pliers. Yeah..people do strange things when they feel they need it done and there are no means to pay for it. I believe that everyone should be entitled to health care!

Anyone else here chronically or critically ill without health insurance?

I'd move to Canada if I could afford to but instead ... most of us uninsured Americans stay here to die unable to afford healthcare. I had it for 2 months but still spent $1600 just on bloodwork & ultrasounds, I ended up canceling it because I can't afford treatment even IF I could afford the time off from work. What is with this country? Is it a population control method?? What are your thoughts? And how do you receive treatment when you need extensive work as in cancer with no ins. & unable to not work?
Try a discount health benefit plan. Very affordable, about $40 a month. Pre-existing conditions don't matter. check it out for yourself.

What are the major problems health care insurance companies face?

insurance companies face problems too. what are they and what causes those problems?!?
Major problems...We are older and live longer...Therefore We require more medications and more hospitalizations...Not even including the Younger and the babies that are now being born with problems caused by parents

Why wouldn't employers pay the 8% penalty instead of paying for health insurance?

It would be cheaper to have your employees be covered by the government and pay the 8% penalty.
These employers probably do not pay much any way so their employees would be forced to come to work sick just to make the rent .

What are these presidental canadates gonna do to help the health insurance crisis and help hunger in the US???

I mean we have people starving over in america and people with no insurance and without healthcare. And they worry about straving children in africa. WHY?????....We have problem right here is the USA!!!!!!
You hit the nail on the head, that is what I have been saying for the longest of time , but, it is not going to get better , it will get worse , with all the Mexicans coming into the United States , we are over populated.

i am a uk citizen flying to the states to have a boob job, do i need to get health insurance?

i am flying to las vegas to have a boob job. i am a uk citizen so we don't have health insurance anyway but if anything was to go wrong after the operation and i had to go to hospital do i need to get health insurance?
I am sure you are paying for your own procedure for breast augmentation and have already budgeted for it. However, if you suffer complications you would then have an issue. If I were you I would check into Travel Insurance--you might be able to find a really good one that would provide protection for any unforeseen complications. You would of course list the Travel Insurance for your trip originating in the UK to cover travel to Las Vegas. Many of the Travel Policies cover medical on a primary or secondary basis--some exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions, etc. The Policy would not cover the cost of the surgery itself but you might be able to find one of these that will cover any complications--no guarantees of course! Hopefully Travel Insurance on your side of the pond would be more comprehensive in this situation since England has National Health Service and not traditional health insurance. Google Travel Insurance and then make sure you ask a lot of questions before you buy since this trip would obviously not be your run of the mill tourist trip! I hope this helps. Good Luck!

how can i get legal advice regarding a pet health insurance company who denied a claim. I appealed to the co.?

i have had the same pet insurance for 8 years. ln feb 2004 my lab had a smal nosebleed. took him to the vet and was told dogs can get nosebleeds and appeared healthy. Had a couple of episodes of reverse sneezing. called the vet and was told most likely allergies. his insurance policy is from july to july. In september he had a large nosebleed and after many tests was diagnosed with nasal cancer. the insurance company refused to pay stating his iinitial symptoms began in the previous policy period and therefore not covered. No where in his medical record does it state he had cancer. I feel as if I've always done the best for my lab, securing lhealth insurance and taking him to the vet for any unusual symptoms and I feel i've been let down by both. Could the vet have diagnosed him earlier or should the pet health insurance co take responsibilty and pay the medical cost i have incurred for his treatment. Who can i go to for advice. Is there time limitation in persuing action. thanks
Talk to your vet. He should write a letter to the insurance company and give them a time-line for the cancer diganosis. You should also have the records of your dogs vet exams. You can make copies and send them to the insurance co., highlighting the dates of exams. Have the vet office make you a copy. If they refuse call the Veterinary Medical Board in your state. By law they are required to make you a copy or a written summary of the records. The only other thing is go to an attorney....but that will probably cost you more that the vet bill. Good Luck and God Bless

Does anyone know if Vision works or lenscrafter accepts United Health Care insurance?

I was wanting to go to a place like lenscrafters or visionworks instead of an optometrist because i work from 8-5 and i need to go somewhere open on the weekends. i have united health care insurance and wanted to know if either of those places accept it. My copay for an eyedoctor is 20 dollars and i can get free contact lenses if they are in the network, would it still be the same price at a place like that as it would be at a doctors office? Thanks!
Your best option is to call the phone number on your card. They can tell you based specifically on the plan your employer purchased and what requirements (if any) that you must meet (pre-certification or pre-authorization).

Do rich people generally bother buying health insurance?

Or do they simply prefer to pay their doctors out of their own pockets?
Rich Democrats always expect someone else to pay for their Doctor Bills. Well...... I guess All Democrats expect that, eh?

What's the average price of a Doctor's visit without health insurance?

My eyes are yellow.
~~This varies so much by area (State and county). If it's a specialist, very hard to guess. If it's a physical maybe in the area of $120.00- $160.00 -and that would not include any of the tests needed for a physical. If it's a family physician the initial visit is always higher because the billing code is for more extensive time, in the area of $120. to $160. When it's just for routine care after being established, approx $60 to $80. I'm quoting from rates in my area which is Southern California.~~

How much did you pay for Health Insurance 10-15 years ago?

How much do you pay now? Clarification: What you paid now and then, Not your parents.
Back then my employer paid the whole thing. Now I am uninsured, and pay nothing. ?°)

Hoe do I pass my Life accident and Health Insurance Exam?

I am studying for Life Accident and Health insurance Exams and I am wondering whether I can learn lessons from any of you who have taken the license exams passed or failed, what you did or did not do.
Know the study materials inside out. Practice tests! Find a free one here.… Also, be very well rested. On test day, read the entire question - many seem tricky, and end in "BUT" or "EXCEPT". This is why practice tests are such a good idea. Read every possible answer before picking one.

Is there a place that i can get health insurance comparisons for an employee of 1 (me)?

I have just started an online business through a familiar auction site and am looking for health insurance...any help will be appreciated
Go to your local, independent agent. They'll be able to get comparative quotes for you, and help you compare coverages and deductibles, as well. SHOP LOCAL. Buy through your local agent. Fake insurance policy scams are on the rise, as are "health plans" that are sold as huge discounts, which are NOT INSURANCE. You won't get taken if you buy local. If you try shopping over the internet, you're more likely to be taken.

Why is it that16% of Americans have no health insurance & of those who do, 40% have such inadequate insurance?

That they can't even afford their co-payments, deductibles or drugs? (unless they're generic). And FYI, yes, I'm including those who have medicaid & medicare in the numbers of those that are insured. I am NOT including illegals in the numbers that are not insured, as they are not citizens or even legal residents. Nor have I included people that choose not to be insured because they don't feel they need it. I am just talking about legal Americans that need it.
Because so many people have bought into the insurance companies propaganda that service would be even worse under a federalized system. We currently have people dying in hospital beds while waiting for service, we have wait lists for service, we have people being denied life saving procedures. How could it get worse? We're smart enough to learn from other countries.

I dont want people abusing the system, yet I dont want to mandate health insurance?

I don't think I will live to see a civil health care system in this country. At this time a lot of people have heart disease, or cancer. both of which can be linked to diet. what diet? maybe corn/wheat/soy/gmo/wasteland... and who benefits? A small group of people with very large shipments of pharmaceuticals, and some insurance and banking investors and some paid of left and right wing politicians. and kellogs. and wonder bread. Way to go America.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Do I have to keep my husband on my health insurance?

He walked out on me.
No, go and change your policy.

Should comrade Obama just follow the Stalin method of making everyone get health insurance?

They come to your door, and if you don't have it: they shoot you. problem solved.
Health insurance under Stalin? Are you sure?

If my child gets hurt on my backyard trampoline - will my/his health insurance cover his injuries?

Or would that be a home insurance claim?
Use your health insurance. It's a bad idea to try and put a claim through your home owners insurance. You are at risk of being dropped or premium going up. Children get hurt at home all the time. If a friends child got hurt at your home then you should deal with the Homeowners insurance company. That's my opinion!

Need health insurance policy for my parents aged 60 and 53.?

What do you suggest? How is reliance healthwise? Has anyone made a claim? How is the process?
There are plenty of health insurance companies that have strong policies for those up to the age of 65. The key is to choose a reputable and trustworthy company like a Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana, etc. Plans differ from state to state so be sure and compare quotes from at least 3 different companies in order to find the best plan for their needs. Here is some more information on how to choose the best health insurance company:

I moved to Canada from the states, had health insurance but was only for my state. How can I get it here?

I cant get it through any type of work b/c I cant work here yet.
You will have to register with your provincial health plan. Click on link below and select your province. Please be aware Ontario requires at least 90 days of residency before you're allowed to utilize their provincial health system.

Low income Health and dental insurance ?

I make under 20'000 a year and im in need of dental work for my wisdom teeth and health insurance because im getting sick. Is there any gov. programs or anything i can do to help. I live in ohio.
Your state should offer insurance through the department of human services for low income individuals. Bad wisdom teeth should be treated can die from bad teeth in severe cases.

What is the best health insurance plan for someone who is self employed?

If you want a national plan (in the event you do a significant amount of travel) then you might want to use Blue Cross or Medica. I would suggest looking at a plan that has a deductible that is at least $1,500 for a single person or $3,000 for a family. This will keep the premium costs lower and also qualify you for contributions into an HSA (Health Savings Account). These contributions are pre-tax and can be withdrawn and used tax free for qualified medical expenses. This type of strategy saves you premium costs and taxes. If you or a family member who will be on the plan has a large amount of health care expenses per year, you might do better to consider a lower deductible. The increased premiums might be less expensive than the out of pocket expenses if you are more likely to use more services or ongoing prescription medications that are expensive.

Which is the good Health Insurance Policy in India for family?

Family - adults- 3 (Max age-31) child- Expecting in 3-4months. Covering preexisting diseases. Cash less. Covering max. no. of hospitals. Max. policy renewable age.
You can go for Health Guard policy in Bajajallianz general insurance family discount. pre existing coverage. plz. refer below site.

can US health insurance cover nationally?

I want to move with family about 1000 miles away, currently my dad covers me under aetna health insurance and he says that any health insurance only covers locally unless it is an emergency. i can't be covered by family i want to move since my father has custody of me. is there any way that aetna could cover me if i live long distance from my father?
Some Aetna policies are portable to other states, some are not. You and your Dad need to talk to Aetna. My daughter went to college in another state, and I bought her an Aetna policy that covered her in the state where the school is located, as well as the state where we live. It is not cheap, though. But, there are alternatives, if you can pay the premium. My daughter has her own policy, she is no longer on my policy. I Hope this helps. ps- there are other insurers besides Aetna. Tell your dad to call an independent insurance broker for help. He'll get all the answers he needs for free.

After active duty, what do I do about health insurance?

After my 4 years of active duty, I will be in the reserves for another 4 years. During that time, do I qualify for tricare health coverage?
While in the reserves you qualify for tricare reserve select - you have to pay the premiums and there is a higher deductible but from what I understand it's pretty decent compared to other insurance plans.

Are the Republicans waiting to see what the health insurance companies want them to do ?… It'd be great if they'd do what was best for the American people as a whole.

Obama just isn't trying to 'buy votes' by promising to give health insurance?

Obama just isn't trying to 'buy votes' by promising to give health insurance to those lazy non-working people that Hillary is trying to buy. Obama simply wants to make insurance affordable to those who are willing to work. Hillary wants to increase the national debt by giving those who refuse to work yet another reason not to work. what do you think?
there has to be a partnership between the government and private healthcare in order to have subsidies to make healthcare affordable. The healthcare industry is a business. They would benefit more if there were more ppl paying for healthcare because it is affordable...affordable and cheap are NOT the same thing...than less ppl paying for healthcare because it is to expensive. Every business knows u make more money if u have 80% of the population using ur product rather than relying on just the 20% Hillary's solution is not infact a solution. It is a drastic measure used to the extreme just to simply say "everyone has healthcare" People have healthcare now, that doesn't mean it's any good. She has NEVER answered how she plans to FORCE ppl to get insurance if they cannot or as she suggests, will not get it. Why is that?

Why does McCain wish to tax people on the amount of health insurance that is paid by their employer?

Do you agree with this plan?
Yes he does. And I for the life of me do not get it. This will be the first time EVER that people get taxed on health insurance. I can not even imagine this!

I'm 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance, what can I do?

I do not even know where to start? I have researched online and read books, but still nothing helps. The father and I are not married. He is a colonel in the USAF. I would think the military would cover the baby? Any advice on insurance will help!!!
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.

how is the deductble paid in health insurance? Is it tacked on to your doctors bill a little bit at a time?

I know it has to be paid b4 insurance will kick in but is it expected to be paid in a lumo sum or what. I'm trying to select insurance with a decent premium but not too high of a deductible...can someone shed some light possibly with an example?
The deductible will be billed by your doctor's office when the insurance does not pay that bill. Each doctor's office has its own rules governing payment. Many ask that the entire amount be paid within 30 days. You can often ask for a payment schedule to stretch the payments out on a monthly basis if it is a hardship for you. Call your physician's office to ask them how they would handle this. Good luck

I have hurt my back and my boss does not provide health insurance. What can i do?

I did not get hurt at work so its not a workers comp claim. And I dont make enough money to just go pay a doctor to look at me. ANyone have any ideas? I live in Tulsa, ok
That depends on why your back hurts. Where I live a chiropractor will have you x-rayed for about $120. If the spine is out of place the chiropractor can move it back. The last time my back went out it took 4 appointments at $35 each to move it in and kept it there. If it is a muscle pain you should look at maybe going to a massage therapist. They are usually cheaper then a chiropractor and a good one can really help a lot with pain. If a x-ray shows a fracture get medical help quickly, and try to set up a payment plan with they doctor's office.

Wouldn't it be better to just check immigrants for health insurance papers?

If they don't have 'em, they face 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, like the rest of us.
Interesting concept.

what are some big health insurance company's like met life?

Looking for a job, can speak Chinese, went on a interview the other week for a position in the Chinese marketing department. Although i have yet to hear the results from my interview, hoping I can find more jobs like that.
Assurant is the biggest indivual provider and Blue Cross/Blue Sheild is the biggest group provider.

Did you ever purchase Health Insurance on your own?

In other words, Maybe you worked for an employer that didn't offer it, or maybe it was too expensive through them? If so which company did you choose, and how expensive was it??
Call a broker and buy through a broker. It's cheaper to buy individual coverage than group anyway...if your boss isn't paying.

is health insurance portable from state to state ?

If I purchase health insurence from a company like Coventry One of Kansas and move to Florida, can I take the Coverage with me ?
No. The various states have insurance departments which govern what can, what must, and what cannot be contained in individual policies. What may be permissible in Kansas may not be in Florida, therefore you would have to switch to a policy offered by a company operating in Florida. I do now know if Coventry One operates in Florida, but if they do,your policy in Florida might be different from the one that you have in Kansas. Coebtry one is who you should be answering.

who is the worst health insurance provider and why?

as i wait on the phone.....going on 45 min now, i wonder who is doing the same thing right now....
All insurance is big business and as such the companies and corporations that provide policies will always have an incentive to make more money. While some providers are worse than others, they are all trying to increase their profit margin. In terms of bad; well that could mean a whole host of things from specific policy exclusions, extremley high annual premiums, to extremley poor claims times; however, from your question i gather it is the customer service that you are upset about. And while i could slag off a whole host of insurers in terms of their service - that is bad form (especially as i don't know what type of insurance you are talking about!) The easiest way to avoid long phone times and inordinate amounts of hassle when dealing with your insurer is to use an intermediary (broker or agent). Intermediaries will have direct access to the important people inside an insurance company and usually you will get an answer faster than if you had called your insurer direct and waited on the phone. Some intermediaries will even operate their own claims and admin departments outside of the insurance company so you are able to get results faster. Going through a broker will also allow you to accurately asses the various pro's and con's associated with any insurance company - letting you know what having a policy with that will be like in the long term... Two really top class international brokers are Pacific Prime and Global Health Insurance, and depending on the products that you need they should be able to help out... websites are below If you need more info send me an email.. hopes this helps cheers

I'm looking for a health insurance policy for my father & mother which covers catarec surgery?

Please advice me which health policy to be taken for covering caterac surgery expenses which will cost around Rs.22000.I've checked the websites of leading pvt insurance companies but the hospital where the surgery will be done is not covered.I'm also interested in policies such as LIC & GICI
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you

i live in ny by myself. i work full time, n cant afford health insurance. i need to see a therapist.?

i live in ny by myself.. no help. i work a full time job.n just make ends meet after rent n utilites. i need health insurance. n cant get it through my job. i need to see a therapist. because i am having alot of problems.. maybe i need medication to stop or help the way i am feeling lately. how do i go about this? please someone help!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

Not Notified of Employer Health insurance Premium increase!?

My husbands company recently changed hands and health insurance. We were notified about the insurance change but not about any increases in the premium. I made numerous calls to HR and was told there would be no changes. They have more than doubled our premium with no advance warning or notification and now that enrollment is closed we cannot cancel. Can they increase our premium without proper notification?
They don't HAVE to notify you. There's no requirement for them to do so. There is no "proper notification". No such thing. So yes, they can do that.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How did discussions on health insurance turn into this?

It seems that even legitimate questions about the bill turn to rants about greed and condemning capitalism. I don't see this anti-American fervor at all in the real world. Is there a secret area of Y/A where we can actually discuss it without the wackos?
Yahoo is an escape for nutjobs because their views are irrelevant to most of society.

how many times a year can health insurance be raised?

my company just raised health insurance less than 6 months ago and are now raising it again is this legal
If you buy your policy directly, your health insurance company can only raise your rate on the annual anniversary date. If you get it through your employer, your employer can switch policies every month if they want to, and can continually change exactly how much they contribute towards the coverage, thus increasing your cost every month, if it works out that way. So it depends on if it's YOUR policy, or your EMPLOYER'S policy.

Can I still stay on my parents' health insurance if I take 9 units at my 4-year and 4 units at city college?

One of the lower division biology classes I need to take is full but the same class is available at the community college in my city. I'd like to take it but I don't want to get bumped off the insurance if splitting up the units at different institutions is considered not full time. Thanks
Each institution considers you part time, and since you can only get federal funding for on school at a time I doubt that they would combine them to create a full-time label for you. I suggest that you wait a bit, classes always open op close to the start of school when students drop or switch their schedules. I have done this a few times, especially in lower level classes. Just keep checking the class schedule to see if it opened up, better yet, get on a waiting list for the class! Just e mail the teacher!

does anyone know of any good health insurance?

Im having bad medical problems and where i live wont give me medicad, so is health insurance a good idea? i really need to see a doctor.
Hi, My name is Tiffany Brackens, broker for Ameriplan Healthcare Benefits, and I'd like to offer you a cheaper alternative for savings on dental, vision, chiropractic, and medical care. AmeriPlanUSA® offers an unmatched benefits program. The program starts at $11.95 for a individual membership or just $19.95 for the entire household!!! If you are interested in discounts for your dental, vision, chiropractic, or medical needs, please visit:… More info on SAVING MONEY call (212)990-7215 (Explanation of Healthcare Benefits). You can also contact me directly: Tiffany Brackens (817) 232-9723

question about the HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)?

im 20 years old & just recently left my parents' CONTROLING household.i wanted 2 get a check up & be put on birthcontrol with out my parents knowing. well my aunt works at my doctors office & i went 2 get a PAP smear, pelvic exam, & be put on the depo shot. i had all my mail sent 2 my friend (who went with me) address & used the friends home phone number. so if word got back to my parents i knew my aunt is who told. what do i do if & when she tells? how do i go about fileing complaints on her? what does the HIPPA say i can do to her for violating federal laws on privacy?
The Supreme Court ruling in the first answer is COMPLETELY WRONG! People 17 and over have the rights. Anyone under the age of 17 needs parental consent. ANYTHING...ANYONE. Parents have the rights to know of certain things regarding children.

Will there be a new IRS type agency to enforce health care insurance compliance?

The hacks in the obama administration, together with Congress, are drafting legislation MANDATING that all Americans have coverage... Will there be a new federal police agency charged with enforcement? Will this be under the Treasury (like the IRS is) or some other gun toting outfit ? Will struggling Americans that can't afford insurance, be fined, or imprisoned ?
Off to the poky

Did Obama divulge he is on board for the Hillary Swartznager Health Insurance Law by calling for a $1000 fine?

Hillary's plan from 1992 was always a Big Insurance plan to make it a crime to not have insurance. She got Swartznager and Bush on board a few years ago and Now Obama is saying you go girl to Hillary's Insurance Law plan. Obama said, we can fine the poor and working class people Billions for getting sick.
The fine is not for getting sick. It is for not paying for an insurance plan. As for what some are saying that those who cannot afford to pay the insurance will be exempt, exactly how is that supposed to work? Will they be forced into the welfare system because they will be forced to go on Medicaid? Will their kids have to drop out of college because their education will be discretionary while insurance payments are mandatory? Will people be forced to sell their homes, liquidate their investments, etc. before they will be excused from having to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

If Health Insurance Companies don't check your credit, why is it written in the fine print that they might?

And if so can they deny you health coverage based on a negative credit score? I am very worried.
They do that because they want to reserve the right to do it, should your medical claims be of question. Unfortunately, it has been shown that people that have a poor credit score might have related health insurance issues of nonpayment and such. Not necessarily fair, but the way it is. Hmmm, seems like perhaps the health insurance providers might consider the fact that if you have a major medical problem, you might also have trouble paying your bills because of it? More and more things are being tied to your credit score-health insurance, jobs, etc. so it is VERY important to have good credit-or if you don't, to clean it up.

Why Do Dems Support 12 Mil. Illegals Who Make it Hard for Americans to Get Health Insurance and Jobs?

Illegal aliens have driven down wages and benefits for low-skilled American workers. This has hurt American families. Why do Dems support this damage to American families?
Simple: Their election base is disappearing as they move further and further to the left. The democrats need new blood and the illegals are their answer, instead of moving closer to center, they remain obstinate and refuse to understand that the majority will not tolerate this far left loon nonsense.

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the in

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the insurer on June 30, that he is cancelling the policy. The refund from the insurance company will be
Health insurance is normally purchased on a month to month basis. If he paid in full for the year, in January, and requested cancellation in writing, in advance of the cancellation date, he's entitled to a pro rate refund, unless the policy is through his employer's group. ( I mention this, because that's the only way *I* know of to cover a family for $500 a month). In which case, he can't cancel the policy until the open enrollment period, or he experiences a 'qualifying event'.

Why Do Dems Support 12 Mil. Illegals Who Make it Hard for Americans to Get Health Insurance and Jobs?

Illegal aliens have driven down wages and benefits for low-skilled American workers. This has hurt American families. Why do Dems support this damage to American families?
Simple: Their election base is disappearing as they move further and further to the left. The democrats need new blood and the illegals are their answer, instead of moving closer to center, they remain obstinate and refuse to understand that the majority will not tolerate this far left loon nonsense.

If Health Insurance Companies don't check your credit, why is it written in the fine print that they might?

And if so can they deny you health coverage based on a negative credit score? I am very worried.
They do that because they want to reserve the right to do it, should your medical claims be of question. Unfortunately, it has been shown that people that have a poor credit score might have related health insurance issues of nonpayment and such. Not necessarily fair, but the way it is. Hmmm, seems like perhaps the health insurance providers might consider the fact that if you have a major medical problem, you might also have trouble paying your bills because of it? More and more things are being tied to your credit score-health insurance, jobs, etc. so it is VERY important to have good credit-or if you don't, to clean it up.

Did Obama divulge he is on board for the Hillary Swartznager Health Insurance Law by calling for a $1000 fine?

Hillary's plan from 1992 was always a Big Insurance plan to make it a crime to not have insurance. She got Swartznager and Bush on board a few years ago and Now Obama is saying you go girl to Hillary's Insurance Law plan. Obama said, we can fine the poor and working class people Billions for getting sick.
The fine is not for getting sick. It is for not paying for an insurance plan. As for what some are saying that those who cannot afford to pay the insurance will be exempt, exactly how is that supposed to work? Will they be forced into the welfare system because they will be forced to go on Medicaid? Will their kids have to drop out of college because their education will be discretionary while insurance payments are mandatory? Will people be forced to sell their homes, liquidate their investments, etc. before they will be excused from having to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the in

An insured pays $6,000 annually for his family's health insurance, which began on January 1. He informs the insurer on June 30, that he is cancelling the policy. The refund from the insurance company will be
Health insurance is normally purchased on a month to month basis. If he paid in full for the year, in January, and requested cancellation in writing, in advance of the cancellation date, he's entitled to a pro rate refund, unless the policy is through his employer's group. ( I mention this, because that's the only way *I* know of to cover a family for $500 a month). In which case, he can't cancel the policy until the open enrollment period, or he experiences a 'qualifying event'.

Can anyone give me a list of health insurance companies in california for a project i am doing?

I just need a list of companies that can give me an online quote for a school project i am doing
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.

What is the deadline that we going to be 'forced' to purchase Health Insurance by?

When does the mandate take effect in this bill?
Shouldn't matter. All republicans have health insurance anyway. That's why they kept telling us we have the best health care in the world.

can you get health insurance when pregnant?

like if you have no insurance, and you are getting a new job and want to get health insurance but you are already pregnant...can you get health insurance
-------------------- - try this one. My sister had no problem with her insurance coverage while being pregnant.

I'm a diabetic (with lots of healthcare related costs). I will be losing my current health insurance soon.

What options do I have as far as paying or my pricey medications/equipment, or finding new health insurance? I live in Alabama, and to be eligible for medicaid one must make <$200/month. Thanks for any thoughts!
Jane, Health insurance in the US is a real mess. But there's a pretty good article that lays out the limited options that are available:… Take a look. Hope it helps.

question about bluecross blue shield health insurance?

My husband has empire's bluecross blue shield health insurance (PPO) and i was wondering if this was a good health insurance or not? I don't know anyone who has it so I'm not too sure whether it is or isn't? Do you have to pay a lot out of your pocket?(he just got it this month through his job so we haven't gone to doctor's yet to see how much money we'll have to pay for doctor's visits.) Thanks for all answers
What kind of company is Empire (large public or small)? It depends greatly. The reason is that if it is a self-funded plan benefits can be wildly different. I am a healthcare lawyer who works with numerous plans often and I can tell you that benefits, while usually fairly uniform, can vary. The easiest thing to do is ask his HR person for a schedule of benefits under the plan. This should clear up most of your questions.

Is the Health Insurance system broken?

Purchasing health insurance if self-employed seems cost-prohibitive when it comes to deductibles, monthly cost, and coverage in general. Seems like it is only good for catastrophic situations, otherwise too expensive. Any thoughts?
no its not true..rather it has become a necessary dese days.2day v have more complecated diseases dan ever b4.more common is d lifestyle diseases like high bp,cholesterol,heart problems n all.treatment 4 all dese is too its better if u hv an insurance cover 4 dese.many insurance cmpanies r offering cashless service whereby u dont need 2 pay cash at d counter of d hospital where u r treated,rather it wl b paid frm d plastic card provided by ur insurer..............2day v hv STAR health & allied insurance comp. dat is a stand alone health insurer.latest entrant into dis field is Apollo DKV.....many other players r also in d pipeline....... waiting 4 approval frm u know more n more players in a particular field is always beneficial 4 d consumer as dey hav lot of options 2 choose u can enquire n get d best product 4 u.........lot of informations r on net....u jst need 2 keep urself updated.. GOD bless...

Since when has the BENEFIT of Health Care insurance become a Madatory requirement?

Years ago some employers offered Health Care Benefits to their employees as a perk, a benefit! Why has it suddenly become accepted as a responsibility of the employer?
Because most employers know that if you don't offer some type of health won't be keeping your employees very long. They will go work for someone who does provide health insurance. Health insurance is too expensive for most people to afford on their own. Additionally, people with preexisting conditions that can't get insurance on their own can qualify for an employer plan. If the employers did not provide health insurance - the employees would leave.

Why do I need to pay for health insurance?

Cant I just be really careful?
I think if you do not know how important is health insurance then its sure that you are not aware how unpredictable life is. Yes, the things are very well co-related and people always avoid health insurance. You are not sure when you can fall back ill. Even you see people taking care of them throughout the year still they need to undergo some health difficulties. I think you should better take a health insurance other than challenging your life.

Why does and Congress and Senate have health insurance?

That is so much better than most Americans can afford but the rest of us have don't?
Good question,and since WE are paying for it with taxes,shouldn't our taxes provide us with the same benefits???

For a foreign student,how to buy health insurance,basic form?

I need to buy one right now,it's urgent,and I don't have slightest idea how to,can anyone recommend something,my budget is a couple hundreds for one year.
You should probably contact your school for that. A couple hundred for a full year, might cover a program through your school - but won't cover private health insurance, by a long shot.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

can my partner benefit from my employers health insurance?

i have been in union with my domestic partner for 10yrs. same bank account, we own 2cars, and are living under the same roof. does she benefit from any of my benefits even though i am gay?
u will have to address that with your insurance carrier. some carriers recognize a domestic partnership, most dont yet. im in the same boat.

Will my Health Insurance be gone after I graduate from college?

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance. And the only reason why my mom can still list me as a person under her plan is because I am a college student. AM I SCREWED THE SECOND I WALK ACROSS THE STAGE TO GET MY DIPLOMA? or What if it take more than 6 months to find a decent job? How long am I covered until after I graduate?
Yes. You will have to get your own insurance because of the status change. In the state of Florida, you have sixty days to pick up new insurance for it to be considered continuous. If you let sixty days lapse before your new insurance starts, you will be subject to pre-existing condition clauses which can literally end up costing thousands of dollars depending on the treatment. (If you actually needed it. Obviously) Check with your state's laws to be sure. I would think they play along those lines though. I am graduating this semester too! Good luck!