Monday, November 22, 2010

Why is the emphasis on lowering health insurance costs instead of lowering the price of health care?

When I was growing up (70's and 80's) insurance was for "just in case" like car insurance only covers you for accidents. You don't need insurance to pay for an oil change, so why do is health care allowed to be so expensive that you need insurance just to get a check up?
Do not confuse this issue. The emphasis is not on reducing health insurance cost. It is on maximizing insurance company Profits. It has nothing to do with providing service, taking care of the clients or any other of the noble causes of health care. It is simple. More money for the company and less for the health care community and you the customer. The insurance companies pay about 35% of the charges the uninsured do. It has nothing to do with providing care it is what they are willing to pay and the hospitals take it. Then in order to make up for those shortfalls from insurance and medicare the uninsured pay exorbitant charges and end up subsidizing the insurance companies. If they were concerned in lowering the real cost of health care they would pay for preventive care. 10 years of diabetic treatment costs about $250,000 but a nutritional program which can prevent it costs about $5000 over that same period. That cuts out, pharmaceuticals, insurance, blood glucose machines and the specialists. As always the corporations have us convinced that this should be free market. There is nothing free about this market and the theory does not fit the system. The future of health care for the greatest number will be social medicine like England and Canada. You will not get that from the conservative media. They have too many profits at stake to allow that to happen. We have very good health coverage. My son went to a family clinic for what could have been considered an urgent issue. This was not covered. Yet, had he gone to an urgent care center or ER it would have been covered ( if after the denial I could prove it was "urgent"). They refuse a claim of $86.00 but would pay a claim which would have been $1200.00. Remember that $1200 would only be paid at $400 by the insurance company. They are not interested in saving money this way. They are more interested in taking the premium, denying the claim, making you fight it and paying only when they are proven responsible within the terms of your policy that they must. About 20% give up and pay it themselves. This is how private insurance maximise profit. If you buy the story that they are interested in helping the policyholders you are naive. The hospitals cannot maintain thier non profit staus if they turn away the indigent. The insurance companies pay at a reduced rate. it is up to the general public to make up the difference. By now one would think that the public would get wise to the fact that the banking and insurance industries are NOT in this for our benefit. The McCain free marrket plan WILL NOT work. These groups are in it to take and keep our money. This is not a free market in any sense of the word. We posses the greatest capability for care in the world which is focused on the smallest number. It is because of corporate greed.

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