I am 30 years old with no health problems. When I get sick or hurt, which is not often; I go to the local urgent care, doctors office, or emergency room. I have made about 6 visits over the past ten years, so it is much cheaper for me to purchase my health care as I need it, instead of consistently paying for health insurance. Would it be legal for the federal government to force me to purchase health insurance?
There is a right wing school of thought that the 10th amendment would prohibit it, but legally, they don't have a case. This legal battle was lost a long time ago and it has since been proven that the US Government has the right to tax and make laws that cost people and companies money.
its not a right wing school of thought, it is by definition of the 10th amendment unconstitutional, the government has the right to levy taxes on interstate commerce and regulate constitutional laws, this falls under neither category. it is not a tax and is not interstate commerce, they made that illegal a long time ago which is one of the reasons its so expensive, government mandates and over regulation is the other reason insurance is so expensive. i really wish you people would read the constitution before you try to dictate its meaning. The government has never before been allowed to mandate citizens to buy something, there is no precedent for this, and whats worse if you try reading the healthcare bill youll find there is so much more that is unconstitutional in it you would be appalled