Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why not crack down on insurance companies first instead of this mandatory health insurance?

That seems to be where the source of the problem lies anyways. By the way, mandatory health insurance just means more money for insurance companies, not helping American citizens. That would be unfair if I have to buy health insurance. That's not free health care as advertised. In Europe and Canada, the entire nation's tax payers share the burden of health insurance so that every single person can receive free health care, even those who can't afford, even foreign travelers temporarily visiting. That's how it should be. That's what it means to be a community. Not being fined and forced to buy a health insurance package.
I agree with you But in this country money is number one and insurance companies have lots of it and want more they got a slap in the face that's about all. I want free health care I don't want to have to worry if I have enough money to take my kids to the doctor and pay my bills. I am happy that we have something that helps us it is a start

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