In other words will having 2 health insurance policies defray out of pocket costs?
Yes you can. However, you need to be aware of how they will work together. Each insurer needs to know that you have the other insurance. In addition, you need to know if the second policy will actually pick up the other expenses or not! It depends upon what type of coverage each is. Personal experience: When he first started at his current job, my husband's employer paid 100% of the cost of health insurance for our entire family. (That was one of the "perks" of being "senior staff" at that company.) I got my own plan through my employer so that if something happened to him, I would already have my own coverage through my employer and could add the kids and not have to wait for the next open enrollment period at work. As it worked, the way his plan was written, they would not pick up any of the costs left over after my insurer paid. Then my hubby's employer went to another insurer for health coverage. That plan picked up some of the costs left after my plan paid, but not all. In the meantime, my hubby's employer could no longer afford to pay all of the cost of health insurance for "senior staff," so he had to start paying some his portion of the premium for his plan. Now, his employer is using the same insurer as mine. If I use my plan as primary coverage and his as secondary, then his plan will pick up my left over what is left over (after annual out-of-pocket expenses have been met.) However, if I used his plan as primary and mine as secondary, then my plan would pay nothing since it is a different plan that has different guidelines. (We still keep both plans on me since we save more each year by having two plans and having the second plan pick up the left over expenses. My husband only has one plan since he doesn't get sick very often and never has to have surgery.) Yes, it can work. Be careful when picking your plans because they may not work together. And consider if you are actually saving money by having the second plan as opposed to having just one plan.
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