Is the IRS going to fine and possible jail this category of Americans! So many people are unemployed because of the state of the economy! I don't see companies eager to hire now that they will have an added expense under this new health care bill! So I ask again, what happens to a person who has been laid off, no children, no income, no money to buy health insurance? Does this bill fine them and possibly jail them when they can't help their situation?
No Ayn Ms. Rand. No one is going to jail and any fine would not exceed the cost of the health insurance. The law is intended to encourage compliance, not be punitive. Everyone is the US should have access to health care. Until now they have been shut out because of greedy insurance companies or lack of income. Poor folks who can not afford it will get financial assistance, not fines. It's about time the US health care system got serious and actually provided services for all people, not just the rich. Why does the US have such a high infant mortality rate compared to western European countries? Why are longevity rates in the US not equal to those of other industrialized countries? It's because the poor people are excluded from the system.
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