Can someone please explain to me how health insurance works. I'm 18 and I know i'm supposed to know how it works but I dont. I'm getting older and these are things I need to know. If you could explain how it works with having a job, why people cant get it, etc... I want to know any and everything you can tell me. Thanx 10 pts best answer.
There are many kinds of health insurance, so this is a complex question. And there are several ways you get it as well. Types: The major types are 1. a HMO (health maintenance organization--Kaiser is the prototype). In this type of insurance you must use all the facilities that ascribe to the HMO. To go out side with out prior approval is to risk having to pay for it all. This is generally the cheapest form of insurance. 2. The PPO (preferred provider org); a bit more $. You have to use all the services that are in the PPO network; but its may be more widespread than the HMO. Again, to use a non PPO provider increases the amount you have to pay out of pocket. 3. Open networks--the most $$. You go where you want, when you want. There are several of these out there with various names. Boutique medicine is medicine you pay for entirely. Some terms: DEDUCTIBLE-this is the amount of $ you must pay before the insurance kicks in. Like car insurance. The higher the deductible, the cheaper the insurance. CO-PAY-this is the amount of $ that you are reasonable for and it depends on each charge. To have a Dr's visit you might have a co-pay of $10; which is due at to the Dr at the time of the visit. LIMITS--the amount at which your insurance ceases coverage (say 1 million). This is important in catastophic ilness or trauma. INCLUDED/EXCLUDED--procedures that are covered or not (such as maternity care or ER visits). ER visits often have their own set of rules & a higher co-pay. PREMIUM--how much the insurance actually costs yearly/monthly. (In addition to other fees). % COVERED--you insurance may only cover, say 80% of out patient testing--you pay the other 20% (in addition to co-pay etc). How to get insurance? The cheapest is a group plan; which is what employers offer. The group usually negotiates cheaper costs. The employer pays part of the premium. Individual coverage is what a person gets on his own because his employer doesn't cover insurance. This can be $$$$. You must pay everything. You can still elect for a HMO, PPO etc but you pay the full premium. So what are all the charges summarized? 1. The Premium 2. the Co-pay 3. the deductible, and 4. the non-covered %. You must select a policy that affords the best coverage to you as you think you will use it. Luckily at your age, health insurance is cheap! I hope this brief intro helped!!!!
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