I'm trying to understand just how this is going to help those who currently can't buy insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or those who have had their policies rescinded. I can understand that it might allow more choice. Then again, it's going to allow insurance companies to move out of states which regulate health insurance, and into states with no regulation. Seems to me this would make the situation worse.
Strange how less than a minute of critical thinking destroys the "buying across state lines" republican talking point, huh? You're absolutely right. It won't help and it could hurt. Some of these answers are just foolishly misinformed. As some others that have some knowledge on the subject have pointed out, there aren't thousands of big players in health insurance, there are fewer than 10. Most of them are already in every state underwriting policies from one company or another. The danger, as you accurately pointed out, is that all ten of those would quickly move to whichever state has the fewest regulations. To anyone that doesn't think this will happen, take a look at your next credit card bill. Ever wonder why they're in Delaware? The people preaching that this change needs to happen need to take a step back and reevaluate where they're getting their information. Selling across state lines ONLY helps insurance companies. Why would anyone but insurance companies support it? Now think about those same people that support it and think about how they feel about nationalized health care.
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