Thursday, November 18, 2010

What will happen to Insurance Agents if we get Universal Health Care?

If any of the democrats get into office they seem determined to create universal healthcare system. What will happen to the 500,000+ people that work in the health insurance industry? Do all those people loose their job to governemnt order takers? Personally, I don't want the government handeling my healthcare. I am a registered democrat that plans to vote republican if the democrats keep on with this universal healthcare.
I am going to answer your question the best way I know how. If we get universal health care the whole medical system will suffer. Not just insurance agents and companies. If there is a government controlled health care system. The profit incentive will be removed from health care. The doctors and specialist that now go to medical school for 12+ years of training in some cases will dry up. Why would you go to medical school and run up all that debt if you can't get rich in your profession?

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