Saturday, November 6, 2010

What is the best type of health insurance for getting kids ready for school?

What is the best type of health insurance I can get to help my kids go to the doctor, get checkups and vaccines, and have them ready for school? Or like if they break their arm on the playground or something? Anything else I should be thinking of as to why I should get insurance for my kids before they go back to school? Sorry, lot of questions but I appreciate your help. Thanks
What have they had up until now for health insurance? They should have had insurance since birth, not just at age 5 for school. There is no "best insurance". It's all indicative of what you are willing, or can spend. There are free or low cost publicly funded state health plans if you're low income, that have their own stipulations and rules on where you go, what they pay for etc. In many states, the care is low to average at best. Then there are top notch and expensive private insurance plans. Does your employer off health care benefits? That's usually the way to go.

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