My husband and I are looking for health insurance. I grew up on Blue Cross Blue Shield but I don't know if that is an A rated company or not. Also, what benefits should I look for, what kind of deductible and what kind of q's should I ask?
As a 25 year old married couple you need to ask yourself a few questions: 1) Are you planning on having children? If so, you want to make sure that the plan you select has maternity coverage. Most straight PPO Indivdiual/Family plans do not offer Maternity Coverage that is reasonable. Depending on your area Blue Cross may offer an HMO based plan that does cover maternity. Be aware - most individual plans that cover maternity have a wait period before the pregnancy will be a covered benefit. 2) You may also want to look at an Health Savings Account (HSA) Qualified plan. Being so young, they afford you a great way to save (tax free) for future medical expenses. Also, because you are young, chances are you will not incur any huge medical expenses - so dont pay the huge premiums for a benefit rich co-pay plan - you will be able to save the premium difference between an HSA Plan and a traditional plan into you your HSA. 3) If you are self-employed - make sure you look for a plan that covers on the job accidents - some plans exclude this coverage, so be sure to ask for a Sample Policy Cert before signing up for any policy 4) Use a local independent agent - they have the most knowledge on the plans that are available in your area. Hope this helps and good luck!
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