I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care. So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?
(1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it. (2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance. (3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryKGqF28d
In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care. The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them. Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care. That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+. Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan. In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.
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