My current health insurance will be ending at the end of Feburary. I've been trying to find health insurance that will start coverage on the 1st of March. I have a pre-existing condition, and I'm currently on medication. Plus, I've had an operation within the last 12 months. Every quote I get is more than 200 dollars per month and I just can't afford that. I am struggling and don't know what to do. Does anybody have any suggestions for me?
How about insurance thru your state. We have Mass Health here and it goes by your income. At one point I paid nothing then when I got my job I had to pay very little. Maybe Medicare? Plus with all the laws that passed regarding health insurance they have plenty of plans that go by your income. Keyword search Connector plan for (your state) Thats what they call them in MA, Connector plans. Also in order for you to start new coverage outside of open enrollment (the first of the year) then you need the termination letter that your benefits from the first carrier have been terminated and that you are no longer covered to present to the new carrier. Your health has nothing to do with whether a carrier will insure your or not as that is discrimination. I work for a carrier and I was taught when I first started about what discrimination is in the health insurance industry and I think... Dont quote me but I believe they cannot charge you a lump sum for insurance because you have medical issues. You should do some research regarding that. I dont even think you need to state anything regarding your health to them. Theres alot to know but I learned it sooo long ago that I forget. Check it out online.
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