Friday, November 26, 2010

Exactly how much will I have to pay in taxes to cover the Governments new Health Insurance Bill?

Is there a certain percentage depending on how much a person makes annually? I certainly don't mind helping my fellow Americans have health coverage, I just don't want to go broke doing it. In addition, The Bill states that we all "have to have health insurance" or people without will be fined. This seem to sound a bit threatening towards Americans. I mean, as odd as may seem, some people don't want health insurance or just cant afford to have their paychecks cut to pay for health care.
The Bill has not passed yet, now it goes back to the House, and some more "Behind closed doors" antics. When it leaves there, probably the end of January, it has to go back to the Senate, and if all works out OK, then to the President, I guess. If I know the House and Senate, this could take months. If they all agree, who knows what the Bill will look like when they are done, but as it stands now, people under $200,000 a year need not worry, except if you smoke, drink, use tanning salons, eat fast food, soda pop, or use gasoline. And anything else they can think of as a "SIN" tax. Believe me, this is NOT going to be cheap, no matter what they pass. You are going to see massive lineups, massive wait times, difficult to find a doctor, and much more. I know, I live in Canada now, and have lived in the USA for 25 years. It is like night and day. Yes, I have health care, but absolutely need to be dieing before I will use it. Took 2 years to find a doctor here, when I moved back 3 years ago. Many applications sent in, only one called me a year later. These are all New Doctors, fresh out of Med School, that I sent applications to be "Taken On as a Patient"!

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